paginakop - engels

Symptoms of pain

Mr E. is 63 years old and has been living in the Netherlands for 37 years. Three years ago, he developed serious symptoms of pain in shoulders and legs. To date, the doctors in the Netherlands nor the ones in Morocco have managed to find a cause for the pain. As a result of this pain, Mr E. is no longer able to work and increasingly withdraws from the outside world. He is depressed and can no longer enjoy the things he really used to like.

Being in pain makes life difficult. Sometimes, pain doesn't have a physical cause but a psychological one.

Symptoms of pain: no physical explanation

A pain disorder is a disorder whereby the patient is in chronic physical pain.. Examination does, however, not provide a physical cause. The symptoms may manifest themselves in all parts of the body. Many people have difficulty coming to terms with the fact that no explanation can be found for the serious pain. It is then very hard to accept that the cause may also be of a psychological nature.